Building confidence can be challenging when playing poker. From celebrating an impressive win or recovering after suffering an unfortunate setback, self-talk can have a substantial effect on results.
Positive, instructional self-talk can promote calculated risk-taking and an aggressive/proactive playing style. Negative self-talk increases anxiety, frustration, and tilt which could result in hasty decisions which sabotage your game.
1. Remind Yourself That You Are Strong
Reminding yourself that you are strong can help you cope with negative experiences in poker, as well as help build confidence by shifting your perspective – rather than seeing your negative experiences as threats to survival, view them instead as opportunities for growth.
Staying positive when losing money can be hard when the game appears rigged; but remember that all you can truly control are your actions and that despite challenges you have overcome before, don’t allow one bad run to erode that confidence.
As another way of strengthening your strengths, utilize what you learn from hand histories and forums as actionable cues. For instance, if you read about an impressive river 3-bet bluff that your opponent called off on, write down a mental cue so as to remember this in future play – this will help balance out feedback imbalance that poker cannot always provide effectively.
2. Focus on the Positive
One of the key elements in poker is mental state. A positive outlook allows a player to make rational decisions and better regulate emotions, providing an edge against competitors.
Negativity in sports can quickly spiral into destructive thinking patterns that only further compound them, including polarization (viewing everything as either good or bad) and catastrophizing (anticipating the worst possible results). Recognizing when one has fallen into such destructive patterns is key in stopping their negative thoughts from festering and replacing them with something more constructive.
Implementing positive self-talk and strong table presence are keys to feeling comfortable at the tables, leading to improved performance as well as your overall game. Make positive self-talk part of your daily routine through means such as listening to uplifting podcasts, mindfulness meditation or practicing affirmations before playing poker – this will keep you feeling motivated and positive during your journey!
3. Reinforce Your Core Beliefs
Poker can be an emotionally draining game. But learning to manage frustration, anger and disappointment will only serve to enhance your performance and game play.
As soon as you notice yourself becoming distressed, it’s essential that you quickly recognize and stop any negative self-talk. Doing this will allow you to quickly calm down, take rational decisions, and recover more easily from setbacks with resilience.
Affirmations can also serve to reinforce positive behaviors and plays, similar to how positive reinforcement in classrooms increases student retention. To this end, it’s advisable to turn your poker learning from hand histories, forums and books into actionable cues that you can reinforce with affirmations – this way you can counter feedback imbalances caused by hero calls or other undesirable outcomes and battle loss aversion bias effectively; then venture forth exploring new spaces of value.
4. Be Patient
Utilizing self-talk that feels consistent, authentic and personal is the cornerstone of building confidence. But mindfulness practice and emotional awareness training will help keep you grounded during intense situations; this allows you to identify when you’re becoming impatient and make more rational decisions in hand. Furthermore, practicing meditation or mindfulness routine prior to poker sessions will allow you to remain focused while keeping calm.
Patience is an essential skill for poker players to master as it builds mental resilience and allows for more control. Accepting bad beats and losses without becoming angry or frustrated is the cornerstone of patience; also adopting a growth mindset to view challenges as opportunities for growth; accepting that poker has variable results is also part of it; being patient results in less volatile gameplay that’s harder for opponents to predict, making a more confident, logical player over the long haul.